Thursday, August 17, 2006

LaDonna & Erika Win The Los Angeles West Coast Best Bid Whist Tournament

LaDonna & Erika

By: Jermaine Martin

On July, 22 2006 Erika & LaDonna hosted West Coast Best's 4th Saturday Tournament. Every month on the 4th Saturday members and other players get together to play 4 hours of rise and fly bid whist. The winners of the tournament host the following month West Coast Best Tournament. The cost of the Tournament is $20 and based upon the number of teams showing, West Coast Best pays 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Based upon the amount of teams showing it was winner take all......AND the WINNERS WERE Once again LaDonna & Erika.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was looking at your site and I saw "Notorious B.I.D." out there... for the record, I AM THE ORIGINATOR OF THAT NAME AND I CHALLENGE THE IMPOSTER THAT WON IN YOUR TOURNAMENT TO A GAME ANY TIME...ANYWHERE... FOR THE USE OF THE INCREDIBLE NAME THAT I CREATED... He probably heard my name on various Bid Whist sites...and decided to steal it! but...hey...what else could one expect from a Detroit person... the B.I.D. is and always will be from the east coast(NJ) and THAT's real.... I can understand how one may stoop to stealing a name for lack of his own originality... I created the name ... just because I decided that playing online was too easy and took a short break DOESN'T mean that I relinquish my name... he's a thief and he needs to find his own identity... name the place and the time... I'm ready to regain MY NAME back... ask anyone on Black America Web about the B.I.D. from Jersey... this other cat is an imposter and I'm truly offended that a fellow whist player would stoop so low to steal when he never even bothered to ask me if it was okay... I know the name is catchy but it's the principle behind it... anyway...I'm ready whenever... let me know if he has the guts to play against the originator. Thank you!